Art therapy

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses visual and tactile media as a means of self expression and communication. Art therapists aim to support people of all ages and abilities and at all stages of life, to discover an outlet for often complex and confusing feelings, and foster self awareness and growth.

What is art therapy?

Find out what art therapy is and how it works

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What to expect when you start art therapy

What will happen when you participate in art therapy

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How can I access art therapy?

Guidance on how you can take part in art therapy

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Evidence for art therapy

Helping unlock the transformative power of art and imagination to change lives

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How to become an 香港六合彩开奖结果记录

Learn about what you鈥檒l need to be an 香港六合彩开奖结果记录

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What to do if you're not feeling OK

Advice for what you can do when you鈥檙e not feeling OK

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Does art therapy work?

Evidence of the benefits of art therapy

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Stories and experiences

What clients said about their experience with art therapy

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