Our new website

After extensive member consultation and engagement, the British Association of Arts Therapists’ Council and our staff team have spent the last year working closely with developers and an illustrator on our new website.

We are proud to be able to launch this now, as it fulfils our shared aim to be more inclusive, enable members to access resources more easily, enhance communication across our community, and showcase the work of 香港六合彩开奖结果记录s to the world!

The website will continue to grow and develop over the coming months, with more features and resources coming on stream. We really hope you will enjoy using the new site and that it will support our members in their work. We also hope that it will enable the public to understand and access art therapy more easily. And that it can raise our profile as a profession so that more people across the UK understand how much art therapy has to offer individuals, organisations, and communities.

Many thanks to our Chief Executive, Gary Fereday, our Operational Manager, Kate Peel, and all the team, who have worked so hard to enable us to bring these important plans to fruition.

Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair
