Citizen 香港六合彩开奖结果记录s: advocating for social justice and democracy

In recent years, much of the world has been confronted with challenges to democracy. Learn how to position your clinical and community work in a manner that champions social justice, open dialogues, critical perspectives, and citizenship.

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Date & Time

Friday 31 May and Saturday 1 June 2024

1.30pm - 4pm

Who this event is for

Suitably qualified professionals


Non-members: 拢215

Associate members: 拢145

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Employed: 拢130
Underemployed: 拢120
Unemployed/retired: 拢110

Trainee members: 拢110

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Online via Zoom

Citizen 香港六合彩开奖结果记录s: advocating for social justice and democracy

In recent years, much of the world has been confronted with challenges to democracy. Learn how to position your clinical and community work in a manner that champions social justice, open dialogues, critical perspectives, and citizenship.

How can art therapy support social justice?聽

Art therapy can support social justice by facilitating opportunities for visualising injustices, representing voices, bringing people together, and imagining solutions.

Art therapists can draw on the traditions of activist art and political psychology to enact socially responsive practices. Creatively drawing on resistance and engagement approaches to social justice offers ways to sustain reflection, foster relationships, and build community. Applying these ideas in art therapy yields a range of strategies that include: advocacy, lobbying, civic dialogues, and policy initiatives.

What you will learn

This course will help identify how 香港六合彩开奖结果记录s can support citizenship, peace building, social justice, and democracy.

By completing the course, you will be able to:

  • Synthesize social justice approaches of activist art and political psychology with art therapy practices.
  • Describe art therapy social justice framework and approach to sustain reflection, foster relationships, and build community.
  • Identify facilitator stances and strategies that 香港六合彩开奖结果记录 can adopt for social justice.


Jordan Potash

Read our interview with Jordan to find out more about his practice.


Jordan was outstanding. Such a valuable course with practical ways of working with powerful ideas.

Frequently asked questions